
(scroll down for more events)

Green Vibes!!! [aka Green tribe open day]
We welcome you on 24 September 2023 to Green Vibes. This will be the fourth and final vibe of 2023. Expect: music, noise, poetry, fire show, Dj with “lekkere plaatjes”. Support squatting by honouring this place. Free entrance, low priced drinks and food. Do a little crazy dance, show people your left toe and/or nipple.. Dirtier than ever. Greener than ever.

+++ Children welcome +++ Dogs on-leash == Cash only +

15:30 Piet Leegwater
16:30 Raintree & Danalyze
17:30 Noise & Poetry by pytr & schoco mune
18:00 SunnyMoon
19:30 Ruigoord Rebels
20:30 Sense of Fire [ Fire show ]
21:00 Suwanne [ Clit-clup / DJ ]

Fire Jam
A welcoming and talented fire jam group meets every second Tuesday of the month in front of the dome. Just drop by to show off your skills and learn new ones.

VOKU @ Rijkshemelvaart Dienst

3 course meal by donation!
This is a vegan skip voku.

All donations go towards supporting a social-political action group. Each month we support a different social-political action group. You can find out which group and more information about them at the voku. If you are a social-political action group in need of support, send us an email.

There is also skip market so bring a bag to take home your groceries.

Bring your smile and a baggie!
Address: Oude Haagseweg 58, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Times: 18:00 – 21:00.

Here we are! Photo from Shoko.

Every Thursday, we heat the sauna up into the range of 80-100 degrees Celsius. We ask a financial contribution towards firewood and other running costs of minimum €8. If you can afford to pay a bit more, this will help those without financial freedom to also enjoy the sauna! If this is too much money for you let us know so we can make another arrangement.

Quiet sauna 16:00 – 19:00
Regular sauna: 19:00 – 23:00

Bring your own towel and flip flops. Don’t forget to shower before the first round, and before getting in the cold bath. You don’t need to reserve. Just come by! See you soon!